Icone livre

Grammatically Fit 1, Teacher's Guide

Par : Marthe Blanchet

ISBN : 978-2-89661-010-5

Description :

The Grammatically Fit series was developed to help English language learners achieve full understanding, get thorough pratice, and concretely use the 12 grammar rules proposed in each of the 5 booklets.

This series also provides valuable added tools. The introductory Down to Basics section helps the learner to secure a solid grammar base before moving on to new material. The Putting It Together section gives periodical evaluation pit stops to help determine the overhall degree of grammatical mastery attained. Finally, a verb card system makes the learning of up to 160 English irregular verbs simpler and easier.

Grammatically Fit's varied grammatical situations thus strive to render the everyday use of English more efficient and enjoyable.

Teachers Guide and answer book, including reproductible sheets.

273 pages.

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Matière :
Anglais, langue seconde

Niveau :

Degré :
1re année du 1er cycle du secondaire

Éditeur :
Éditions Marie-France

Collection :
Grammatically fit

Prix catalogue : 69,20 $
Prix école : 65,00 $

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    Éditions Marie-France
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    Lundi au jeudi 9 h à 16 h

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